Virtual address

Save on costs and set up a virtual headquarters or virtual office for your company at our lucrative address in Dunajská Streda. This renting method is especially advantageous in cases where you do not need to pay for large amounts of office space, you do not have any employees in one specific location, but you receive physical correspondence, and it is simply necessary to have a branch in the city for your business activities.

A virtual headquarters brings numerous benefits, such as saving money on receiving and recording postage and packages or scanning mail and receiving electronic notifications for a greater overview. It is also listed as an official physical address in the Business or Trade Register or other registers for the correct and proper registration of your company’s registered office, which is an act required by law.

V rámci služby virtuálneho sídla poskytujeme

  • prenájom virtuálneho sídla firmy
  • vedenie poštovej knihy v elektronickej forme s online prístupom
  • skenovanie prijatej pošty